The desire of the beautiful half of humanity to be irresistible makes her continuously think about the beauty secrets of other women, including foreign women. Sometimes the beauty of some women depends on their place of residence. Ukrainian women, for example, attach great importance to their appearance, which is an integral part of their culture. Women of Ukraine give their beauty to the whole world and inspire many men.
In our article, we will try to unravel the secret of the beauty of Ukrainian women. Of course, all the standards of feminine beauty are changing, and this is not surprising because keeping up with the times is an obligatory life process. We often hear that Ukrainian women are considered the most beautiful in the world. Is this a common myth, or is it really true?
Features of appearance
Most Ukrainian women have the so-called Slavic type of appearance – they have blond hair and skin, gray, blue or green eyes, and regular facial features. They are proportionally folded, and most of them have a stately figure. They are very feminine, and on a subconscious level, men as the most suitable partners for family and childbirth perceive them. “I think that Slavic facial features are the most feminine in the world,” says Briton Craig Graham. – Germans seem to be somewhat rude, which is not particularly suitable for women. I would call Ukrainian women the most beautiful.”
At the same time, the appearance of Ukrainian women is not limited to one type of blue-eyed blonde-haired women with milky skin color. We can meet dark-eyed burning brunettes and red-haired beauties with freckles. Indeed, due to historical events, the blood of different nations flows in the Ukrainians. And, for example, there are more women of the same type in Spain or Italy. And southern men can be attracted precisely by the breadth of choice, as well as the unusual, novelty of the northern type.
One of the signs of health, youth and beauty is blush and good complexion. Do you know why beautiful Ukrainian women always have a fantastic blush? It’s all about the hardening of the body. In winter, in the bitter cold, women ran out from the warm, heated hut, and stayed on the cold for a few minutes, and then returned to a warm room. And in our times, they teach themselves to take a douche and do cold wiping, and you will keep a healthy heart and forget about varicose veins forever.
Inquisition tried
There is one more circumstance mentioned by those who declare the championship of Ukrainian beauties. In the Middle Ages, the West European Inquisition actively hunted witches and often included the most attractive women and girls to their list. They believed that beauty was granted to them only by the devil. As a result, many beautiful women in Western Europe ended their days at the stake or gallows, and the “beauty genes” were partially exterminated. The witch hunt did not have such a scope in Ukraine. Beauties were rarely harassed so that the “gene pool of attractiveness” was preserved.
Ukrainian women do their best
In Western countries, feminist sentiments prevail. Women, trying to achieve gender equality with men, are often afraid to demonstrate their femininity and, on the contrary, dress and brush their hair in an accentuated way, do not use make-up, except for special cases and situations when the rules prescribe it. As for the Ukrainians, many of them even go to a nearby supermarket in beautiful clothes, high heels and made-up shoes. And what can we say about work and trips to various public places? As shown by opinion polls, 43% of our women tend to look beautiful “for themselves,” 27% for their second half, and 65% for work colleagues.

Swede Jonas Lindstrom states that “Ukrainians love themselves very much. Therefore they are always smartly and beautifully dressed and made up.”And a Frenchman named Frederic says: “Ukrainians bother a lot about appearance. We also have such ladies, but it is hard to find them. The discord is that you usually expect coldness, closeness, selfishness, and narcissism from people who are so preoccupied with their own image. But in the case of the Ukrainians, you realize that you were mistaken every time: they turn out to be sincere, warm and open.”
Not only appearance
Foreign men express different and not always flattering opinions about Ukrainian women. For example, they are called too rational, prudent, and are criticized for loving bright clothes. But everyone agrees on one thing: Ukrainian ladies are really very beautiful! Here is the look of BurakTopju from Turkey: “Ukrainian women are the most beautiful women in the world. They have some kind of ideal beauty: some can be gentle and sweet; others are sexy and sensual.” In a foreign country, Ukrainians can be accurately calculated in a crowd.
Even without heels, a Ukrainian woman will pass by you so that the neck will turn after her. And the thing is not only in beautiful appearance but also in how a woman keeps herself and how she moves. In all this, a unique charm amazes and delights men. The beauty of the Ukrainian woman has always been hidden in her inner fascination and purity. It does not mean that they stop doing makeup at all, but they always try to keep natural. By the way, men like it much more than bright makeup. The main thing for them is to feel their attractiveness and be confident in it.
After all, their grandmothers, working in the field or at home, often did not think about their beauty. They just knew about it. Therefore they were always beautiful. It is difficult to forget them for foreigners who have had Ukrainian friends and wives. Europeans even say: “They never return to their women after Ukrainians.” Ukrainian women are extremely popular in countries with a high standard of living. Overseas grooms have all the conditions for a safe life, but every man wants to have not just a beauty, but also a patient, sensitive, tender wife who will take care of him as a child, love and preserve loyalty.

With over a decade of experience in the dating industry, Hannah has helped thousands of people find their perfect match. Her passion for helping others and her deep understanding of human relationships has made Hannah one of the most sought-after dating experts in the industry.
Hannah has a degree in Psychology and has studied various theories on human behavior, which she uses to guide her clients through their dating journey. She has worked with people from all walks of life and has a keen eye for identifying what makes each person unique.