In today’s word you can hardly be surprised by the fact of an international marriage. Most likely you have a colleague at work whose husband is from another country, or your neighbors can boast an international family. It is normal if you like someone beyond your culture. Men often wonder what women from the other countries are like. In this article we will take a look at the differences between American and Ukrainian girls. These two nations have different historical heritage, social life, traditions and so on. That’s why they are very different from each other. Let’s first take a look at American ladies and their distinctive features.
- Early adulthood
Perhaps many will be surprised, but American movies about teenagers are often true. We are talking about early sexual intercourse. In the USA girls at the age of 15 usually stop playing with dolls and move on to more adult fun. In the USA there is an unspoken rule not to judge anyone for their actions, as it is a liberty-oriented society and everyone is free to do as he or she wants. Girls are raised with the ideas of feminism and liberalism. Maybe that is the reason why ladies do not hide their private life, and even openly advertise it.
- Indifference to their appearance
However, feminism is the reason why American women do not care about their appearance. They think that people should take them as they are (even without makeup and hairstyles, in shapeless untidy things and with a lack of manicure). If in the United States you see a neat and stylishly dressed woman in the street, there is a huge probability that she comes from Ukraine or Russia. That’s why Ukrainian girls are considered the most beautiful simply because they are not lazy: wash your hair, apply makeup, go to the gym and take care of yourself.

The American idea of lack of stereotypes, undoubtedly, deserves respect, but many understand it in a wrong way. As a result, they are careless not only with the appearance, but also with the health. American women are not particularly obsessed with sports, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general. A striking contrast can be seen in the comparison with the Ukrainians, but with the Chinese people the difference is simply huge, as being healthy and fit is a kind of religion in China. Chinese women living in the United States, even in the old age are actively involved in sports. They drink green tea and avoid any kind of bad habits.
- Requirements for men.
One can notice at once that American girls are brought up on Disney cartoons because almost every American, inspired by the example of Cinderella, Snow White or Ariel, is waiting for her Prince Charming, making extremely high demands that cannot be met by ordinary men. Most often they get married after turning 30 years old. And in this situation, by the way, Ukrainian girls have something to learn because in Ukraine there is an abnormal idea of marriage.
If the girl in her 25-27 is still not married, neighbouring grannies disapprovingly shake their heads, and the parents begin making hints that it is time to think about the grandchildren. And, sometimes it does not even matter whether the chosen one is good; a girl being tired by this pressure agrees to marry someone who is not eligible for her at all. The approach of American women is much more practical and judicious. They think that it is better to start a family in the adulthood, having a stable source of income and the necessary material benefits.
- American goodwill.
It borders on hypocrisy. American women are very sweet and can smile in the face of a man whom they just can not stand in fact. This is often practiced even among so-called “best friends”. In Ukraine, everything is much easier because the Ukrainians have all their feelings and emotions written on the face immediately. They will never smile to an unpleasant person.
- Cult of vegetarianism
Every fifth American woman rounds her eyes and grabs her head when someone begins to eat meat in her presence. The cult of vegans and vegetarianism is so widespread that at every step you can find posters on this topic, and people are trying to impose this idea to all “meat eaters”.
- American independence
The desire to be independent and the notorious “gender equality” in the States is off the scale. There are simply absurd cases when because of the fact that the man held the door for the woman, a serious scandal with accusations of sexism broke out. A friendly hand put on the shoulder can be perceived as an “act of violence”. Therefore, it is logical that American men are tired of their strong independent compatriots, and feel free in a less feminized company of Ukrainian girls.

On the catwalks of Paris, Milan and New York there are enough Ukrainians. Dior and Versace are ready to pay mad salaries for firm steps of these Slavic girls. Ukrainian women can be seen not only in the modeling business. Their girls are in Hollywood top lists as well. Bond’s girlfriend from Berdiansk and both Milas – Mila Kunis and Jovovich conquered Hollywood and the whole world with their beauty.
The hard work of Ukrainian women is well-known abroad thanks to the ordinary representatives of the working class. Unofficial statistics says that over 5 million of Ukrainian women officially transfer money from abroad to support their families in Ukraine. Ukrainian women with higher education clean Italian houses as housekeepers. And although their services in this market segment are not the cheapest, they are in demand. So, what are the main features of Ukrainian ladies that make them so attractive in the eyes of American men?
- Femininity.
Ukrainian girls are incredibly feminine, charming and sweet. They harmoniously combine the features that almost every man dreams about – a wife, a queen and a mistress in one person. Clothes, hair, accessories, manicure – they want to look perfect at any time of the day.
- Temperament.
Ukrainian women are passionate and emotional, they can show their feelings openly. They combine all the wide range of women’s emotions beginning from tenderness, understanding, kindness, generosity to jealousy and love of freedom. Ukrainian women can be described as an ocean of love and a storm of passion. You can always rely on such a woman, but at the same time you won’t get bored with her.
- Family values and traditions.
Ukrainian culture raises girls with the ideas of a happy family, home coziness and children. Despite the career goals, their parents, children and husband will always remain in the first place. Their family traditions are passed from generation to generation.
- Wisdom.
Ukrainian women are often wise beyond their years and cunning to the right extent. They know how to support their man delicately, how to inspire him and help him to cope with problems. A Ukrainian woman is not only a worthy decoration of her man, but also a reliable partner in life.
- Diligence.
Ukrainian women are incredibly hard-working. They are not afraid of challenges, risk and responsibility. At the same time, even the most successful women remain loving and tender wives, caring mothers and excellent housewives.
- Education.
90% of Ukrainian women have higher education, and a quarter of them possess several higher educations, they know foreign languages, have a broad outlook, like self-development. With the Ukrainian bride you can talk about everything. They are very sincere and always sympathetic to other people.
- Talent.
Most Ukrainian women sing and dance well. Many ladies have a creative hobby like knitting, drawing, scrap-booking and so on. These girls have a great sense of humor coupled with a rich imagination. So, you will definitely find more than one talent in your chosen one.
- Dedicated housewife.
Ukrainian ladies are known to maintain the household well without any help from housekeepers or even family members. They are great cooks as it is a personal pride of the lady if she can cook something better than her friends. They often share recipes with girl-friends or get together to cook something delicious. Husband and children of a Ukrainian lady are always well-dressed, well-fed and cared for.
- Excellent mothers.
Love for children is in their blood. They are caring, responsible and attentive mothers. Motherhood for Ukrainian women is an important and integral part of a family life. People believe that a family without kids is not a family. As you may see Ukrainians have certain advantages over American ladies. Though, one should bear in mind that there are wonderful ladies in every country of the world. But it would be wrong to think that if you start relations with a lady from Ukraine, you are guaranteed with all mentioned virtues .Of course, dating is not always successful.
It happens that one or the other side, or even both of them remain unsatisfied. Sometimes the girls have no intention to get married. They dream that a wealthy admirer would pay for their travels to exotic countries, take them to restaurants, give expensive gifts or supply with money… They are ready to play games with a man until the last possible moment, avoiding any kind of intimate relations with a foreign man.
When it is not possible to carry the relations on, she declares that she loves someone else or just disappears without even saying “good-bye”. Luckily, such cases are not very common and the majority of women are really serious about the relations and love. What advice can be given to a man searching for Ukrainian love? The best way is to trust one’s heart and believe one’s eyes. Let your love story be the happiest one!
Linda Clark is not only a cherished member but also an esteemed author on Ukrainian-Ladies.net. Her insightful articles offer valuable perspectives and advice on navigating the world of online dating. With her wealth of experience and genuine approach, Linda’s contributions enrich the platform and provide valuable guidance to fellow members. Her writing reflects her passion for connecting with others and fostering meaningful relationships, making her a valuable asset to the Ukrainian-Ladies.net community.