Almost 70% of people who met someone through a dating app reported that it resulted in a meaningful bond. Is that what you are also looking for — a true connection that potentially leads to building a family with the woman of your dreams? Try online flirting on dating platforms!
If you don’t know how to flirt with a stranger and want to learn it, you are in the right spot. We have compiled a list of the most effective techniques you can use to express your affection for a girl. Check it out!
Pros and Cons of Flirting Online
While some men love flirting online, others say they wouldn’t exchange real-life communication for anything else. We decided to clear the air and find out what the good and bad sides of hitting on ladies on the internet are. Check out what we found out!
- You have time to think
Has it ever happened to you that you thought of a perfect thing to say in a conversation you had two hours ago? This is not a problem if you flirt with strangers online. You can take your time to come up with a great response.
- You don’t have to worry about your tone or facial expression
Some men are much better when they flirt online than when doing it in real life. Of course, you’re planning to meet your potential girlfriend at some point, but by then she will be in love with you, and you will feel more comfortable with each other.
- You can have extra helpers
Using emojis in your online conversations can help you make your emotions and feelings more clear to the girl. You can also send her funny memes related to the last flirt chat online to show that you paid attention.
- You don’t know whether it is working
Since you can’t see the body language of the girl you’re talking to online, it’s hard to understand whether she gets your flirting texts. For instance, some girls are shy in their messages, but you can see their emotions on their faces.
- Transition challenges
You might get worried that you are not as fun and flirty in real life as you are online. Moving from an online relationship to an in-person one is often quite difficult. Consider that the dynamics may change when meeting face-to-face.

4 Ways on How to Flirt with a Stranger
First, let’s make the whole flirting online thing more defined. Want to show your potential partner that there is a line between chatting as friends and becoming a couple? Check out the advice below, and you want the two of you to cross that line.
Ask more personal questions
At the beginning of your communication, you probably kept it general, talking about your favorite books and movies. This is normal, as asking something more personal when you’ve just met might spoil the first impression.
However, if you want to move further and upgrade your conversations to an online flirt chat, change your questions. For instance, you could ask her about her relationship with members of her family or her childhood. Of course, you should make sure she is comfortable with answering and always give her enough space to step back and change the subject. Some other topics that could make your communication more intimate are discussing the meaning of love, the biggest fears, and the craziest dreams. By the way, this approach implies that you are also going to share details about your personal life.
Use her name more often
Most people seriously underestimate the importance of pronouncing the name of the person they are talking to. It adds a personal touch and makes your communication feel more sincere. When our name is mentioned, we feel appreciated and acknowledged.
You might have heard that our name is our favorite word. So make use of this fact, and instead of writing “Hi,” start your next chat with “Hi Sabrina/Melinda/Hanna.” This may seem like a small thing, but you become a totally different person in other’s people eyes once you start calling them by their names more often.
Give her compliments
We are not saying to shower her with sweet words about how amazing she looks in her photos. Give her compliments, but make them meaningful. What you should do is pay attention to the nice character traits she is expressing when you chat and highlight them in your next conversation. For example, maybe lately she has been telling you that she has to work extra shifts. Don’t miss the opportunity to compliment her hard-working nature, saying how special it makes her. You could say something like, “I really admire how dedicated you are to what you do. It’s so inspiring! It shows what a strong and single-minded woman you are.”
Be the one to start a conversation
Want to know how to flirt online? Let her know how often you think of her. Once you wake up and get ready for the day, text her, “Good morning (her name)! How are you? Wish you a lovely day☀️” This is a simple thing that shows that she is the first person on your mind as you start your day.
Send her messages, not only when you want to have a call or a long conversation. It’s also a nice idea to send her a picture of something that reminds you of her. For example, if you recently talked about how you both love cacti and you see some big ones in a flower store, send her a picture. She will be delighted to receive such a sweet message.
How to Practice Flirting: Increase Your Confidence and Charm
Have you not tried flirting before, or perhaps your attempts weren’t too successful? It’s never too late to learn. With practice, you can quickly get rid of shyness and self-doubt. Here’s what you need to do to flirt with strangers:
- Send someone a drink
Even if you want to master online flirting, it’s better to start with real-life practice. Therefore, we suggest you go to a local bar and try to catch the ladies’ attention there. One way to do that is by sending drinks to another table. You may already feel nervous at this point, so it’s a good risk-taking opportunity.
- Start with a compliment
Want to know how to practice flirting? Start talking. You may be shy, but we assure you that after two or three tries, it gets easy. Tell the lady next to you what a beautiful dress she is wearing or compliment the sincere way she laughs. Try to be creative in order to win her affection.
- Ask a girl for a number
Many of us are so used to online dating that we forget how it is to just meet people at a party and exchange numbers with someone we like in particular. Your task for tonight is to go out and ask at least one girl for her number.
- Make eye contact
The hardest thing for shy people when flirting is looking the other person directly in the eyes. You may be afraid that they will read your thoughts on your face. But honestly, maintaining eye contact with a stranger in adult flirts is super exciting and boosts your adrenaline level a lot.

Why Flirting Online Is the Key to Success in Online Dating
When it comes to looking for your soulmate online, flirting is your main weapon. Cute words and phrases with a romantic meaning will quickly upgrade your communication to the next level. Why?
👉 Firstly, a playful message can stand out among other dates of your potential girlfriend. Anyone can text the simple “How are you?” and “How was your day?” messages, but not everyone can craft something more special, creative, and heart-melting.
👉 Secondly, it clearly shows your intentions without coming on too strongly. This way, it is easier for you to see the intentions of the other person. If the lady you are talking to thinks it’s too early for you to become something more than friends, she will let you know.
👉 Finally, flirting is an excellent icebreaker. If you feel some awkwardness in your online conversations, try a few of the techniques we described above to overcome it.

Offline and online flirting can be a lot of fun once you master it. If you are new to the world of naughty words and compliments, treat it as a skill you can learn if you practice often enough. Use our methods to see how ladies react to your sweet phrases and gladly share their admiration.
Remember that hitting on girls on flirting dating sites is a must to show that you are interested in the other person and want to have more than just a friendship.
“Hi, I’m Michael Harris, the writer and chief editor of our dating and relationship blog. Here, we explore the ins and outs of modern romance with engaging content that’s both informative and relatable“.