Was your heart touched by the beauty and grace of Ukrainian girls? Maybe you have already visited Ukraine or just made up your mind after having heard the happy love story of your best friend who married a girl from Ukraine. The situation can be different. But if you have decided to marry one of the best representatives of this wonderful nation, then you are in need of the reliable tips on the issue on how to win a Ukrainian woman’s heart. Maybe you have already got acquainted with your dream girl.
But now you do not know how to make her fall in love with you, as you have no idea about their mentality and the way of courtship. Although, all ladies are different, but only the ones who have their own “zest”, or so called “mystery” do not give sleep to the unfortunate men in love. Among Ukrainians you can find many women of this kind. Such lady is a real one tough cookie to get. To achieve attention, and even better – to make her fall for you is not an easy task. You can fight for months, go on many dates, but never develop serious and trusting relationships.
She will remain an Ice Queen for you. Many men have tried to write articles and books on how to get a girl, but as it turned out, there is no 100% recipe how to succeed, in spite of all these books, suggestions and useful tips. And what if you look at this issue from the female point of view? Any woman will be able to tell you what for her an ideal date is, and what things, traits of character or actions are able to make her heart beat stronger. Such things are very personal and unique. But we will try to give some useful tips taking into account the peculiarities of the Ukrainian national character.
How to win the heart of a woman from Ukraine
1. Be self-confident. Many of the Ukrainians ladies are very self-confident and expect the same from men. As a matter of fact, they often blame their local man that they are not strong and cannot be leaders. So, with a Ukrainian girl you must be “a man” in the full meaning of this notion. Do not be a so-called “alpha-male” or “macho”; these are extremes, which are not admired by everyone. Ukrainian ladies expect you to be responsible for your actions and words, and also give real man’s support and help. It is natural. After all, men are leaders in their essence.
2. Use your body language. Show your confidence through your behavior. Create an impression of the person who knows what he wants from life and how to get it. You can touch her hand or hair while talking but don’t be too pushy if she is not ready for this.
3. Take care of yourself. These women love independent men who can be useful in the household. Ukrainian girls are used to doing everything by themselves, so if a man helps about the house or cooks, he will get a hundred of extra points.
4. Have a sense of humor. Those who say that Ukrainians have no sense of humor are wrong. They just love sarcasm, anecdotes and puns. But of course, the language barrier creates some difficulties in this aspect.
5. Show yourself as a spiritually rich man. Mention your family, your pet, or how you care about your close people. They appreciate men with a kind heart.
6. Try to understand her as a person. If you really want to win a girl, then take the trouble to arrange everything beautifully and in the right place. Do not push on her, if the girl even refuses to kiss, then what can be said more. Let her take her time. Remember that not always “no” really means denial. It may mean “yes, but later”. Inspiration is fascinating, if a man emotionally and enthusiastically perceives everything that is connected with the lady, then the enthusiasm, over time, will absorb her as well.
7. Do not forget about your physical form. Ukrainian ladies are very demanding, especially regarding appearance. They often judge the book by its cover. Most women from Ukraine try to take care of their appearance in the best possible way. They wear make-up and high-heels even if they meet with an old friend for a cup of coffee. They think it is very important to look good, so they want the man beside her also look stylish and neat. Wearing clothes with stains or worn-out clothes is unacceptable for them. If the girl didn’t want to get acquainted from the first seconds of a meeting, most likely, she didn’t like appearance of the guy, his haircut or style of clothes.
8. Respect her. It may seem strange after the previous point. However, for Ukrainian girls it is extremely important to be appreciated not only for the looks, but also for the inner beauty of the soul. You can always admire her, admire her figure, eyes, hair, but indifference to her opinion, occupation, interests will definitely make her leave. If you see her only as a beautiful silly doll, you have no chances for long-lasting relations. You should learn to listen to the girl, to support her when she is down and celebrate her victories together.
9. Be honest. To deceive the girl is to deceive yourself. Why do you need to tell a lie to someone you want to connect your life with? Cheating has never made anyone happy. Ukrainian girls appreciate honesty and trust, so if you decide to make her fall for you, then be honest to the end.
10. Be generous. For a real man there is no concept of “greed”. This does not mean that you need to give money to the girl constantly or buy expensive gifts, all this is well, but in moderation. You can eventually spoil your beloved, so that you’ll have to spend most of the time and money to satisfy her growing financial desires. But if you count an every dollar spent on her, you are determined to fail. They need to know that you are ready to provide a family and take care of her in case she cannot work. In short, a girl from Ukraine wants to be sure that you will do anything for her.
11. Be romantic sometimes. Ukrainian ladies in their majority dream about the man who can make her feel like a princess. Arrange some unusual date with candles and live music or take her to some breath-taking place. Use your creativity, and her shining eyes will be the best award for you.

Let’s consider another situation. For example you have met her at one of the online dating sites or just in some of the numerous social networks. Of course, your relations will develop in another way then if you met each other in the real life. Falling in love through letters is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. It is possible to win a Ukrainian woman’s heart through correspondence.This situation has its benefits. When the girl has no live communication with a man, she starts thinking of him in a more positive way, creating sometimes an unreal image of the Prince Charming.
Of course, it may work both ways, but it is in your power to change the situation so it plays into your hands. An important rule in your case is to create the impression that you are constantly present in her life in some extend, despite the fact that there are thousands of kilometers between you. Nowadays it is easy to do though live calls, chats and photos. You can always send her a message in the morning with your photos, wish her good day or make a surprise gift for her through the delivery service. The world has become so small!
Questions to ask while corresponding to provoke interest
- Don’t be predictable! Forget about questions like: “How are you?”, “What are you doing?”. Such questions suggest a report, not an interesting dialogue from her point of view. Discuss some interesting things taking onto account your mutual interests.
- Don’t forget the details she mentioned in her previous letters. For example, yesterday she wrote that she was going to the yoga class. Ask how it went, if she learned something new or not. Take an active interest in her personality. If you know that she has some hobbies, find out when she started doing that or what plans she has in this direction.
- Ask questions that can be perceived as hidden compliments. For example, you can wonder if she went to the ballet as a child. Emphasize the fact that, judging by the photo (or meetings in life, if you have already had them), she has a very graceful posture.
- Do not postpone a real meeting. It would be better if you meet within 3-5 months after starting your communication. Letters is a great way to start relations but if you do not proceed to the next stage, you will have only a good pen-pal.
To summarize everything that has been said, it is worth telling that Ukrainians are romantic ladies with practical attitude to life. They are independent and want to have a reliable man by their side. Of course, all people are different. Some girls seek hot and spicy love affair can that make her blood run hot, while others dream of calm and caring relations that last a life-time. But any girl will be happy to know that she is loved and cherished by her man. Try to do your best and you will be rewarded with a great partner. Take the challenge!
“Hi, I’m Michael Harris, the writer and chief editor of our dating and relationship blog. Here, we explore the ins and outs of modern romance with engaging content that’s both informative and relatable“.