Despite the fact that women’s loneliness can cause a lot of gossips, an increasing number of Ukrainian women are not in a hurry to find a getter and protector in the person of a man. And the point is not only that many modern ladies are capable of “killing a mammoth” on their own, but the main reasons also lie in the confusion of gender roles and changes in society.
Psychology of lonely women
For many centuries the loneliness of a woman has been considered to be a proof of a certain “defectiveness” of the ladies. For example, old unmarried women have always been under a barrage of ridicule. Currently, an unmarried woman is not surprising. Psychologists believe that the desire for loneliness is a signal indicating the presence of reasons that prevent a woman from starting a family. Over time, some of these reasons cease to have influence, and the lady stops avoiding men. Sometimes a woman gets so used to being alone that she cannot get rid of loneliness. In addition, psychologists say that the reason for female loneliness can depend on their place of residence.
Psychological origins of Ukrainian women loneliness:
- Overestimated or low self-esteem. The examples are: “I am beautiful, only the prince deserves me,” and “I am ugly, nobody needs me.”
- Feminization – “I have to be strong,” “I can do everything myself,” “I don’t need a man.”
- Obsession with motherhood – “A child must have the best father,” “A child is the most important person for a woman.”
Causes of female loneliness
To understand why there are so many single Ukrainian women, one should study the causes of loneliness. Among the most common are the following:
- Self-sufficiency is the most common reason to be lonely. Such a woman has no need to prove something to others because she is respected for her success and independence.
- Excessive requirements for a man is a factor that eliminates all candidates, and often leads to female loneliness.
- Negative experience is the most common factor for Ukrainian girls. Often women tend to loneliness and are afraid of new relationships because she had a bad man in the past. Sometimes a bad experience can be observed in the family of her parents.
- The unwillingness to create a family. Such women seek to receive a lot of pleasure from life, and responsibility for their family does not attract them at all. However, it happens with Ukrainian ladies quite seldom.
Pros and cons of loneliness for women
A single independent woman in her position sees a lot of advantages: she feels successful, free, beautiful, and admirable. Behind this attractive picture can hide despair and a sense of her uselessness. And even quite happy in their loneliness ladies can sometimes feel the lack of warmth and closeness of a loved one. Therefore, it is always possible to conquer a Ukrainian lady.
Benefits of loneliness
Sociologists give the answer to the question of why women choose loneliness. According to them, it is much easier for women to live alone than in a family. In this case, the lady has much fewer duties and worries, she has time to look after her appearance, and take care of her health, engage in self-improvement, travel, and have fun. Some of these factors indicate a woman’s immaturity. Often, a lady who does not want to start a family consciously chooses such partners with whom marriage is impossible.
Dangers of loneliness for women
The main risk of this situation is that a woman gets used to loneliness and ceases to need any relationship. In addition, by becoming accustomed to self-reliance, a woman can lose communication skills with the opposite sex. In this case, even wanting to lose independence, a woman will not be able to build relationships and create a strong family.
After thirty years, things start changing. Women rush to start a family and have children, while Ukrainian men postpone this need for the future, continuing to perceive their loneliness in a positive light.
The age of modern parents who gave birth to their first child increases all the time. This is facilitated by factors such as prolonged study, the desire for improved well-being, and the increase in life expectancy. Therefore, since the upper limit of the childbearing age in women remained unchanged, after 35 years, they often marry for the first comer. Then follows an entirely understandable divorce.
The most characteristic feature of the age of 35 is secondary loneliness. Most people have already managed to be married and divorced. In addition, now many mature couples just have short dates instead of living together.
Many 40-50-year-old people periodically lead a bachelor lifestyle. According to statistics, Ukrainian men find a partner in one year after the divorce, and women only after a few years.
For many Ukrainian women after fifty, loneliness is increasingly common. If people are left alone for any reason, then it is difficult for them to find new companions for life at this age. Women think that they have not much time left to spend on caring for someone else.
On this segment of life, the creation of a family is hampered by excessive demands. Many older people no longer want to live with anyone. Perhaps at this age, it is for the best.
Difficulties that may arise for single women:
- In case of a breakdown that requires male hands she will have to call “husband for an hour” or ask a colleague or relative for a favor.
- If all the friends and of a lonely lady have got families, she will be invited less for joint pastime.
- And the last one is a strong desire for sex. With a temporary partner, it is difficult to count on regular sex.
As you can conclude, there are many lonely ladies in Ukraine. However, they will be happy to make some changes in their life if they find a right man.
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